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International Day of Yoga, June 21st - The Real Story






1998 / 1999


Successive inspirations coming from the Ádi Guru arrived constantly to Amrta Súryánanda / International Yoga Gr. Master, Jorge Veiga e Castro, urging him to initiate the First Global Day of Humanity, a Day when, for 24 hours, there would be no bloodshed, of any kind, and where Yoga would be massively practiced outdoors, a Day which he called the Yoga Day.

The Inspiration and revelation was clear, the chosen Day should be not the anniversary of any Great human Event (no matter which culture), nor the birthdate of any Great Entity, no matter how important, it should be a Cosmic Auspice; the Solstice, June 21st, was indicated, the longest day of the Year, the Day of Light, Light that should always preside over intelligence.




Guru Jí Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája made successive meetings to evaluate his ability, and that of his disciples, as well as his organizational structure, to carry out such a grandiose task.

Practicing Yoga together, Meditating (many times attuned to the Mahá Shakti, in Fátima), making Mánasika; and then, after all well planned, Guru Jí Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája decided to move forward, 3 years after the unsettling and Powerful Inspirations, of such high responsibility.




The creation of this Day, on June, celebrated on 21st, Solstice, and its officialization in 2014, December, by the United Nations (by proposal of Shrí Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, in September of that same Year), was the reason why the Government of India graced Amrta Súryánanda, on April 8th of 2015, with the Padma Shrí Award – the highest Civilian honor of India (rarely awarded to a foreigner, and never before to a Portuguese).

It was also the reason why Amrta Súryánanda was the only Yoga Master in the World to be present at the General Assembly of the UN, in New York, at the moment of the Resolution’s Approval (as guest of honor of the official governments of India and Portugal).


Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája  (1.08.52 – born on August 1st of 1952), at the time, President of the Yoga Sámkhya Institute / Yoga Lusa Association, finally in 2001 invited the World to create, on the Solstice of June 21st, a Cosmic Auspice, the Day of Light, the longest Day of the Year (on the Northern hemisphere), the first Global Day of Humanity, to which he called Day of Yoga.

He created, on that year of 2001, the Universal Statement of 30 Principles of this Global Day, which he also proclaimed throughout the whole World. (see Manifest)

Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája, from the first instant persisted that this Project, one day, should be Led by India, since “Bhárata is the Motherland of Yoga”, as he usually points out, and tried hard for this.

And thus he began the candidacies to the United Nations and the UNESCO, to make official this Day of Yoga, which, if it would be approved by the United Nations (UN) it would be named International Day of Yoga - IDY, and if the candidacy would follow through UNESCO instead, it would be named World Yoga Day. But as he usually says, the name is not the most important, but rather this Grand new Concept, of a Fraternal Humanity, with a Global and Cosmic Consciousness, who would practice the Mighty Traditional Yoga, from School onwards, until reaching the Enlightenment of each individual, and of the entire Humanity.


As the following years went by, it became easier for a group of citizens to move forward with this ambitious Project through the UNESCO, since the path through the United Nations demanded the commitment of Countries and their Governments. Amrta Súryánanda never neglected any of the two paths, trying constantly to induce the Yoga Institutions of each Nation to motivate their Governments, on this goal, at the same time that he intensively worked on UNESCO and at each Country’s Yoga Institutions. 

But most of all, he began the Commemorations of this Yoga Day.


Note: The International Day of Yoga is the 21st of June, and is celebrated on that Day, when it falls on a Sunday (but in Portugal it is celebrated on the following Sunday, when not coincident).




First Commemoration in the Word, of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, was held in 2002, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Portugal, at the city of Setúbal (in the Stadium of  Bonfim, of the Vitória de Setúbal),  under the Presidency and guidance of Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája (International Yoga Gr. Master Jorge Veiga e Castro), President of the  Yoga Sámkhya Institute / Yoga Lusa Association, Institution which organized the Event, an Event that counted with more than 650 participants - Master, Yoga Teachers, Delegates, and Yoga practitioners.




The second Commemoration of the International Day of Yoga - IDY was held in the year of 2003, on June 21 (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the City of Lisboa, that made its debut as host of these celebrations; at the University’s Stadium of the CDUL were present more than 1000 participants - Masters, Teachers, Delegates, and Yoga practitioners, a number which was never reduced, since that year.




Third World Commemoration of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, in 2004, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the city of Porto (which also made its debut as host of this event), at the University’s Stadium of Porto - CDUP, with the support of the University of Porto, an event which also had a great success, and counted already with a strong presence of Yoga for children.


  • November, Guimarães (the Cradle of Portugal), National Yoga Meeting for Yoga Professors, to deepen the understanding of the Principles of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and promote its implementation.




  • April, Viseu (Land of Viriato, the Great Celt Lusitanian Leader), National Yoga Meeting for Yoga Professors, to root the promotion and participation on the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • May, first month of the “Yoga Stress in Unversity Exames”, at the University Campus of Lisboa (which quickly, always on the month of May, was extended to all the University Campuses of Portugal), promoted by the Youth Department of the Confederation, under the Guru Ji´s guidance.



Forth World commemoration of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2005, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the city of Lisboa, at the University’s Stadium, already with the support FLY – Lusa Yoga Federation, became a superb and exuberant Event, with an extraordinary level of participation,  and already with World visibility.

To refer that the USA began celebrating for the first time on the 21st of June, Solstice, the International Day of Yoga organized by the Times Square Alliance, and by its President Tim Tompkins, at the City of New York, Times Square, with a remarkable success.


  • Professor Anibal Cavaco Silva, future President of the Portuguese Republic, becames supporter of this Cause.            
  • Évora / Almendres Cromlech, November, National Yoga Meeting for Yoga Professors to debate the promotion of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, throughout the entire Planet, and respective Pújá and Manásika / Mentalization for its powerful accomplishment.  




Fifth celebration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2006, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the city of Faro (capital of the Region of Algarve), at the St. Luís Stadium, of Farense, also with a remarkable number of participants.


  • November, Quiaios, National Training Meeting for the specialization of Yoga for Children Teachers.




  • Svámin Maheshánanda jí of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute becomes supporter of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Was held the First Iberian Yoga Meeting / EIBERYO, in April, La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.


Sixth celebration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2007, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the city of Lisboa, in the Stadium of Restelo, of the Football Club the Belenenses, already with the support and participation of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation (Entity which began to Organize this Event and to  be Supra Leader of this international initiative), was again a remarkable success, counting for the first time with representatives of the most important Religions of the Planet, who joined their hands on stage, and promised to appeal to their followers that “never again should anyone kill on behalf of a Creating God”. The performances of the Pashupati – Elite of Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of and the Omkára – Choir Orchestra of Mantra were once again memorable. The participation of Yoga for Children was again remarkable.

The first female Portuguese Yoga Teacher was honored, the famous Master Maria Helena Freitas Branco.

The participation of the artist community was both touching and precious.

To be highlighted the presence of Dr. Maria de Jesus Barroso (who became the Godmother of this International Project)  and the Congresswoman Maria do Rosário Carneiro.


  • September, the Intensive Yoga Weeks, and the training of Yoga Teacherswith Excellence, are a markingway to promote the Traditional Yoga, with quality,from India, and the principles of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • UK, London, October, visit to the Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris inEngland and also to Oxford, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st




  • February, visit to the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla.
  • Visit to Pune, February, to Shrí Iyengar Jí, to promote the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • February, visit to the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla; and visit to Pune, to Shrí Iyengar Jí, to promote the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • February, Visit to Rajastan, Mount Abu, to the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st
  • March, Visitto the Shivánanda Áshrama, rshikesh / Divine Life Society – its President HH Shrí Svamin Vimlánanda Jí Sarasvatí supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21.
  • Visit to Dehradun, to HH Shrí Svámin Chidánanda Sarasvatí, President of the Divine Life Society, who blesses the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st (months before his Mahá Samádhi).
  • II Iberian Yoga Meeting, Spain, Province of Galicia, Santiago de Compostela / Cape Finisterra, April.
  • Founding of the Iberian Yoga Confederation - CONFIBERYO, June


Seventh commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2008, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), at the Region of the  Great Porto, city of Maia, on the Municipal Stadium of Maia, counting with the support of the Municipality of Maya. It had once more a remarkable success, to be highlighted the participation of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, by its President Shri Om Prakash Tiwari, the Representative of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Svámin Sadyojathah, and the Hindu Community of Portugal (Anil Gookal e Kirit Patchu). Presentation of the Pashupati in defense of Planet Earth - Gáya, and the future of the children of the Planet, was extraordinary; as well as the performance of the Omkára.


The Sérgio Vieira de Mello award was granted to the deceased young Palestine boy Mohamed Al-Dura, through his father Jamal Al-Dura, both represented by the Embassy of Palestine; this award aims to mark contributions for Child protection, for World Peace, for Fair Globality and for a Sustainable Development.

We highlight also the victims of the Darfur conflict, namely the children, with the presence and testimony of the journalist Paulo Moura, the representative of the campaign “For Darfur” – Dr. Nuno Frazão, and of the International Amnesty. 


  • Was held the International Yoga Meeting, South America,  Peru, Machu Picchu, on the Equinox, of September, 21st, and interaction with the Astronomers Historians of the Government of Peru, who study the ancient, powerful and wise Inca Astronomyvisits also to the Plain of Nasca, and to lake Titicaca.




  • III Iberian Yoga Meeting, Spain, Málaga / Almuñecar, May.
  • Visit to France, Paris, to the UNESCO, May, to the Ambassador of Portugal, Manuel Maria Carrilho, to promote the officialization of the International Day of Yoga, on that Cultural Organism of the United Nations. Visit also to  the Notre Dame (Sta. Janne D’arc), Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower


Eight comemmoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2009, June, 21st, Sunday, in Lisboa, at the Stadium 1º de Maio, of the INATEL. It was again a great success, to highlight the support and presence of Madam Ambassador of India to Portugal,  Mrs. Primrose Sharma, of the Shivánanda Áshrama from rshikesh / Divine Life Society, by the presence of its Vice President Shri Svámin Yogasvarupánanda Jí Sarasvatí Mahá Rája, the representative of the  Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Dr. Jagdish Bhutada; D.R. Kárthikeyan, the European representative of Shrí Iyengar jí, the representative of ISKCON / Hare Krshna; the Spanish and European Yoga Schools of Kundaliní Yoga, and the representative of Jainism at the United nations,  Lakshmi Sha, and as usual, the representatives of the Yoga Federations and Associations from the North to the South of Portugal. To highlight the presence of Shiva Rája - Bhárathanathyam Dance, the Pashupati, the Omkára e and the Yoga for Children.

Shrí Svámin Yogasvarupánanda Jí, and D.R. Kárthikeyan Jí, supports the International Day of Yoga June, 21st.


  • September, visit to Assisi, Italy, to Saint Francis.
  • November, Serra da Estrela (Tower, Penhas da Saúde), National Yoga Meeting for Yoga Professors to reinforce the collective and team work for the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • December, launching of the International Yoga MagazineOm Yess – Yoga is health and Samádhi”.
  • Parliament of the World’s Religions, Australia, Melbourne, 2009, December – it  was on this extraordinary International stage  that the concept of the International Day of Yoga too its first great World impulse, increasing its list of supporters, in an exponential way, and where were drawn future strategies that were  reveled crucial.
  • Examples: supports of HH Shrí Svámin Parmatmánanda jí Mahá Rája, HH Mahámandaleshvara Shrí Svámin Avadeshánanda Giri Mahá Rája, HH Mahámandaleshvára Shrí Svámin Vishveshvaránanda Jí Mahá Rája, Shrí Shrí Ravi Shankar, HH Shrí Svámin Yadunandana Mahá Rája, Rabi David Rosen, Buddhist Leader of Asia, among many others.
  • December, visit to Bengaluru, Headquarters of the Art of Living Foundation, to Shrí Shrí Ravi Shankar to promote the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Gujarat, December, visit to Lothal, Humanity’s first sea harbor, of the ancient civilization of the Indo Sarasvati Valley. Pújá / homage to the wise ancestors
  • Porbandar, birthplace of Mahátmá Gandhi Jí, and respective Pújá / Homage, December
  • Participation at the VI International Conference on Yoga 2009, December, of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute of Lonavala, with Conference and Yoga Presentation to present the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.




  • Pune, January, 1st, Shrí Iyengar Jí supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, Solstice< >, January, Bubaneshvar, and Puri (Jaganath), yátrá / visit, Pújá/ Homage and promotion of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st
  • Januar, Tamil Nadu, visit to Chenai and to Puducherry, visit to the tomb of Shrí Aurobindo and Má, and respective Pújá.
  • Visit to Dr. Ánand Bhavanani, January, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st (who supported).
  • rshikesh, and Haridvar, January, participation on the Kumbha Mela.
  • Visit to Haryana to gather supports for the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Visit to the Patañjali Yoga Peeth, January, to promote to Baba Ram Dev the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, Solstice.
  • IV EIBERYO, Portugal, Tavira, Ria Formosa April (organization Chandra Deví vice-presidente of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation)


Ninth celebration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2010, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Almada (Stadium of Cova da Piedade), with the Support of the Municipality of Almada. It was an extraordinary International Event. The presence of Grand International Yoga Masters was remarkable, to highlight HH Mahámandaleshvara Shrí Svámin Avadeshánanda Giri Mahá Rája, HH Shrí Svámin Parmatmánanda jí Mahá Rája, HH Mahámandaleshvára Shrí Svámin Vishveshvaránanda Jí Mahá Rája, of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabhá, of Shrí Subodh Tiwari from the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, the representative of Shri Iyengar Jí - Paxti Lizardi, the representative of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Shrí Balvinder Chandiok; of Dr. Bawa Jain, the General Secretary of the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders of the United Nations, and of DR Karthikeyan Jí.

To highlight the, individuals and couple´s demonstrations of the Pashupati, of the Omkára, the Shiva Rája and the Yoga for Children.

The day before, for the first time, was held the Day of Darshana – Philosophy and Science, were the scholared speakers made speeches about Yoga and related subjects, in conferences from 9 am until 9 pm.

On the following day, Monday, was held another vegetarian lunch in our main Áshrama, Shánti Deva Áshrama, Palmela, followed by the Visit / Yátra to Fátima, the Holy Place of Portugal.


  • International Yoga Meeting, in September, Africa, Egypt, Cairo - Dhyána / Meditation, and Mánasika at the Great Pyramid for the officialization of the  International Day of Yoga, June, 21st; visit to Tel-al-Amarna (first monotheist, Akhenaton), Coptic Cairo, Luxor / Karnak, Abu Simbel, Mount Sinai, and Siwa  Oasis.
  • October, visit to Shánti Kunj Áshrama (Dr. Pranav Pandya comes to support the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, in December of this year).
  • New Dillí, October, meeting with Shrí D.R. Kárthikeyan Jí about the International Day of Yoga, who becomes a supporter.
  • Visit to Karnataka, Bengaluru, Vivekánanda Yoga University, SVYASA, October; Dr. Shrí Nagendra Jí supports the Project of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Andra Pradesh, Otober, Putta Parthi, visit too Sai Baba Áshrama to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • November, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, Gondermau Hill, place of birth (supposedly) of the Mahá rshí Patañjali, codifier of Yoga, in the Yoga Sútra, with Pújá / Homage; and also visit to his supposed tomb.
  • Sanchi, November, visit to the Buddhist Monuments, namely to the leonine sculptures which became the symbol and the flag of India
  • November, Gujarat, Rajkot, visit to the Mandir of HH Param Pujya Shri Svámin Parmatmánanda Jí Mahá Rája, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st
  • November, Yátrá / visit to Dváraka (Capital of Lord Krishna), and to his Shankaracharya, who begins to support the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st..
  • Visit to Param Pujya Acharya Shrí 108 Krishnamaniji Maháraja, who on that moment supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, Gujarat, Jamnagar, 2010, November.




  • Visit to the Vatican, January, 26th, to the Pope Benedictus XVI.
  • February, visit to Bihar, Munger, Bihar School of Yoga, to promote the principles of the International Yoga Day, June, 21st.
  • Visit to Rajasthan, Mount Abu, headquarter of the Brahma Kumaris, in February, where the blessings and support of its President Dadi Janki as well as the support from Sister Jayanti.
  • Máyápur, West Bengal, February, Headquarters of the ISKON / Hare Krishna , the President of GBC of the Hare Krishna, HH Svámin Radanath Mahá Rája, supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • March, visit to Ahmedabad, to the SGVP - Shrí Svamin Narayanangurukulam School, its President HH Svámin Madhav Priyadas Mahá Rája supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Gujarat, March, HH Param Pujya Shrí Svámin Dáyananda Jí Sarasvati Mahá Rája supports the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • March, visit to Uttar Pradesh – Varanasi, immemorial Land of Lord Shiva; Illahabad (Allahabad); and Ayodhyá, landof Lord Ráma.
  • March, visit to Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, to disclose the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Visit to Punjab, March, to the Golden Temple of Amrtsar, Headquarters of the Sikhs.
  • Yoga Presentation, by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, of the new  Ambassador of Portugal to New Dillí, Dr. Jorge Roza de Oliveira, (at the Official Residency  of the Ambassador), to support his introduction and establishment to the settings of the Yoga Masters of the ancient Lineages from India (at his request).  
  • V Iberian Meeting, Spain, Córdoba, April, was held with the usual success, where many Yoga Schools from Spain already participated.
  • April, visit to Vrindávana, Place of birth of Lord Krshna.
  • Visit to UNESCO, May, to the Ambassador of Portugal, Luís Filipe Castro Mendes to promote the officialization of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, at that Cultural Organization of the United Nations.  
  • May, Paris, France, visit to the Áshrama of the Master Eva Ruchpaul, Europe’s oldest Yoga Teacher to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.



Tenth commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2011, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Lisboa, on the Stadium 1º de Maio, of the INATEL. It was a tremendous success, with the presence of Shrí Svámin Yogasvarúpánanda Jí, Vice President of the Shivananda Áshrama of rshikesh; HH Shrí Svámin Parmatmananda Jí, General Secretary of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabhá; Shrí Svámin Samvidánanda Jí, Dr. Shri Nagendra Jí, HH Shri Svámin Yadunandana Jí Mahá Rája, of the President of the Brahma Kumaris ofPortugal, Mara Gomes; of the first female Yoga Teacher in Europe, Master Eva Ruchpaul who was honored; and of the representative of  Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Joana Cordeiro.

To highlight the presence on stage of the representatives of the main religions of the World : Catholic Church – spokesman of the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa, Father Nuno Amador, responsible for the University Pastoral; International and Portuguese Hinduism; Muslims - Sheik David Munir, Imam of Lisbon’s Main Mosque; Israelits - Dr. José Carp, President of the Israelite Community of  Lisboa; Protestants - Father José Salvador, President of the Synod of the Presbyterian Evangelic Church of Portugal; Orthodox -  Greak Orthodox Church / Constantinople,  Father Alexandre Bonito; Sufis - Shaykh Ahmad Dedé, Sufi Community (Nehtherlands); Buddhists, and Baha’í Faith; who besides blessing the International Day of  Yoga, Beja and Portugal, showed to their followers that Yoga is transversal, and can be practiced by people from all Religions, because it is a Philosophical System (Darshana).

We highlight as well the presentation of Yoga for Children; of Pashupati and Omkára.  


  • July, Germany, Berlin, during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Art of Living Foundation, the President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája proposes to Shri Shri Ravi Shankar to host the Summit of Bengaluru, in December, at the Art of Living, to make official the International Day of Yoga on the date of June, 21st, Solstice. A proposal which Shri Shri Ravi Shankar accepted immediately.
  • Shrí Shrí Ravi Shankar, on that moment, becomes supporter of the International Day   of Yoga, June, 21st. BK Didi Sudesh also becomes supporter.
  • This future Event immediately began to be organized by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, and by the Art of Living.
  • Was held the International Yoga Meeting, Monsanto / Idanha a Velha in September, Europe, UK, Stonehenge (and London - Greenwich, Peter Pan / Kárthikeyan; Edinburgh; Loch Ness, Inverness), to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • November, National Yoga Meeting, to reinforce the Mánasika / Mentalization and Inter-Continental of strategy for the implementation of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.


Summit of the Lineages of Bengaluru, December, 4th and 5th – the main Yoga Lineages gathered in Bengaluru, at the Headquarters of the Art of Living Foundation proclaim the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, Solstice, by the voice of Shri Iyengar Jí, President of the Indian Yoga Association, and by the voice of Baba Ram Dev, who begins supporting the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st. Under the Auspicious of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, and with the presence of the proponent and co-organizer HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája, President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and of the Iberian Yoga Confederation; and of Svámin Parmatmananda Jí, Svámin Vishveshavaránanda Jí, Dr. Nagendra Jí (Vivekananda Yoga University - SVYASA), Svámin Radanath, Svamin Yadunandana, Shri Subodh Tiwari (Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute Lonavla), Dr.  Ramesh Bijlani (Shri Aurbindo Áshrama, Dillí), among so many others.

The International Day of Yoga, June, 21t, Solstice, was on this Summit made official by all the Yoga Lineages, present, who declared that from that moment on, this Day should be massively celebrated throughout the World; they made also a pact to promote it, having as goal to make so that Yoga, in the future, would become part of the student syllabus and school curricula, in all the Countries of the World, that so desire.

Now, the only thing missing was “just” to make official the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, at the international official political Organizations




  • Visit to Germany, March, to Master Sukadev Bretz´s Yoga Vidya, to promot the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, which he supported on that moment; and to launch the bases of the future I European Yoga Congress.
  • Visit to Belgium / Brussels, March – speech at the European Parliament Yoga in constructing Modern Europe”; visit to Radhadesh, Headquarters of the ISKCON / Hare Krishna to divulge the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and the organization of the future I European Yoga Congress; and visit the Yoga Teachers from Belgium.
  • VI EIBERYO, / I Iberian Yoga Congress, Spain (Santander), Altamira / Santillana del Mar, April, to disclose and strengthen the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, besides the usual success of this Event we highlight that Sanatana Dharma, through its President, Master Madhavacharya (Maestro Manuel Paz) became the Vice-president of the Iberian Yoga Confederation.


Eleventh commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2012, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Beja, at the Sports Complex Fernando Mamede, with the support of the Municipality of Beja.

The City of Beja is the ancient Pax Julia, thus baptized in honor of the Peace treaty, signed between Viriato, leader of the Celtic Lusitanians, and Julius Caesar, ending the final resistance to the domain of the Roman Empire (here yes, the true village of Asterix).

Official Entities present: Dr. Jorge Pulido Valente, Mayor of Beja; Mr. Nandkishor Pamwar, First Secretary of the Embassy of India to Portugal; D.R. Kárthikayan Jí, Adviser of the Human Rights and Responsibilities and President of the Foundation for Peace, Harmony and Good Governance of India; Dr. Mário Simões Deputy of PSD and in representation of his Parliament Office; Dr. Liontina Bastos, Regional Alentejo Delegate of the Inatel Foundation.

To highlight the participation of Yoga for children, Omkára, Pashupati, and Shiva Rája.

In this Event, was honored the first Yoga Teacher of Portugal, Master António Pedro (disciple of Caio Miranda).

A touching moment was the homage to Maria do Céu Guerra, a great actress, and a remarkable Human being, with a life path truly remarkable.

The Award Gandhi / Sérgio Vieira de Mello, was granted to the sportsman (who named the Stadium), Fernando Mamede (absent), a famous Portuguese World record holder in athletics.  


This Day counted with a huge participation, to highpoint the presences of: Dr. Nagendra Jí, from SVYASA; Dr. B.R. Sharma, from the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute; the representatives of Shrí BKS Iyengar Jí - Sai Biria, from France, and Patxi Lizardi from Spain; Sat Bir Khalsa and Dr. Dilip Sarkar - USA; Former Ambassador of India Chandra Bhandari and Dr. Gopal Jí - India; our partners of the Iberian Yoga Confederation - Master Madhavacharya (Manuel Paz), of the Sanatana Dharma, Vice President of the Iberian Yoga Confederation, and Master Surabhi from FEYS – Spanish Yoga Federation Satsanga; also from Spain Ramón Ruedas - Director of the Integral Yoga Center, Seville; Guru Ji K.B. Madhavan – Director do Friends of Yoga from Dubai; Aischwarya Devi, Founder of the Rája Yoga Center of Art of Athens – Greece; ISKCON / Hare Krishna International, Svámin Parabhakti Dasa, and of Portugal; Mara Gomes, President of the Brahma Kumaris of Portugal; representatives of the Federations and Associations of Yoga from Portugal; and Svámin Shankaratilakánanda Paramahamsa of Spain, among so many others.


The representatives of the Religions came once more to ask for World Peace to their followers, and were: the Catholic Church, representing the Bishop of  Beja, General Vigor of Beja’s Dioceses; the Father of Goa; representative of Hinduism; representative of the Muslims, President of  the  India Organization of Imams of Mosques, Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi; representative of the Sufis; the vice-President of the Parliament of the World Religions, Mary Nelson; representative of the Protestants; representative of the Buddhists; representative of the Fé Baha’í Faith.


We highlight with special interest the visit to the City Museum, to observe the extraordinary being, a mummified yogi, in Padmásana, with over 5.000 years, which is, at the very least, a curious testimony to the huge projection that Yoga has, since the most ancient times.

On this Day was honored Catarina Eufémia, an important name in the recent history of Portugal, and we should highlight the artistic collaboration of Teresa Salgueiro (former Madredeus) and of Janita Salomé.


On the day before, Saturday, the Day of Darshana / Philosophy and Science, to mark the presence and brilliant speeches of the famous scientists the brothers Bogdanov (Igor – Theoretical Physicist, and Griska - Mathematician), considered to be the Einstein of today, and their conferences about “what happened before the instant zero of this Universe” and the beginning of our Universe; among many other important Conferences.

To highlight the presentation of the MÁYÁ – Amateur Theater group of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, which brought on stage the play of the letters of Soror Mariana Alcoforado; and of the beautiful performance of Pashupati.


The choice of the City of Beja was due, among other reasons, to the fact that this City is the ancient Pax Julia, where was signed an important Peace Treaty between the Lusitanians ked by Viriato and the Romans lead by Julius Caesar, ending tens of years of hostility; it was in honor of that Peace that this area was called Pax Julia. This way, with these celebrations, Beja became a City with a double importance for Peace, in different Millennia.


Shrí Shrí Ravi Shankar visits, by occasion of these Celebrations, the National Headquarters of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, in Lisboa, having been received by its President HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája.


  • September, visit to the USA: - San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, homage to the 119 / 120 years of  the visit of Svámin Vivekánanda to the USA; and conferences for the consolidation of the World expansion of the  International Day of Yoga; - Chicago, Headquarters of the Parliament of World’s Religions; speech at the Installations where ws held the first Parliament of World´s Religions; and later at the headquarters of the  Parliament of World’s Religions, related to the importance and need of Peace in the World and the global practice of Yoga; - New York, meeting with the main Yoga School, under the same goal, with highlight to master Dharma Mitra and with the  Times Square Alliance, and its President, Tim Tomkins, at the headquarters of this Institution; - Pennsylvania, visit to the American headquarters of HH Param Pujyá Shrí Svámin Dayananda Jí Mahá Rája, in the company of Dr. Bawa Jain, General Secretary of the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, of the United Nations, to gather the active support of Svamin jí and the American Yoga Masters; and Meeting with the Jain masters of USA.
  • September, visit to Singapore,Conferences to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and about the experience of Training Yoga Teachers with Excellence, the organization of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, and the Yoga teaching with high quality, in Portugal.
  • October, visit to the headquarters of Shri Aurobindo Áshrama, in New Dillí, to its president Tára Jauhar, and to the Vice President Ramesh Bijlani (already supporter of the International Day of Yoga).
  • Visit to Madhya Pradesh, Ujjein for a Pújá / Homage to its Glorious Ancestors and to its amazing History (one of the 7 Sapta Puri, First Meridian zero, Jyotirlingam, one of the Jantar Mantar, Land of Matsyendra Nathásiddha, and of Goraksha Nathá, where Lord Krshna studied, land of the poet Kalidas, etc.), and the promotion of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • October, visit to Narmadá Nádí / river, Omkareshvar to disclose the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.


Ahmedabad, Gujarat, November, V Convention of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, during which HH Shrí Svamin Vishveshvarananda Jí Maha Rája      presented the President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája, to the at the time chief Minister of Gujarat, Shrí Narendra Modi, exposing Amrta Súryánanda to His Excellency the importance of the creation of a Day of Yoga, on June, 21st, Solstice, to spread to the World the Traditional Yoga, under the aegis of India, a Project started in 2001 in Portugal, and which had the support of the Summit of all the Lineages, in Bengaluru; 2011,  already at the time the strongest candidate to be the future Prime Minister of India, His Excellency showed a great interest about this Project, and the most complete support to it (in the photo, Shri Narendra Modi peruses the Official magazine of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation - OM YESS - Yoga is Health and Samádhi).


In fact, it was prophetic; Shri Narendra Modi won the Elections in India on May of 2014, and in September of 2014 prepared the United Nations, in a famous speech, for the future officialization of International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.


  • December, Rajkot, Mahotsav of HH Param Pujyá Shrí Svámin Parmátmananda Jí,with the presence of his Guru Jí HH Param Pujyá Shrí Svámin Dayananda Jí, and promotion of the principles of the International Day of Yoga, June 21st.
  • December, visit to Palitana, Centre of Jain pilgrimage.
  • Andra Pradesh, 2012, December, 21st, Hyderabad, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Goa (Gova), December, Pújá to the ancestors, and visit to the tomb of St. Francis Xavier and to the monument of Abbot Faria.
  • December, Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, participation on the 7th International Conference, to promot the ideals, and obtains supports to make official the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.




  • Haridvar, January, visit to the Patañjali Yoga Peeth, to Baba Ram Dev, participation at the II International Conference - Yoga for Health, to disclose the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st
  • Mahá Kumbha Mela, Iláhábad, February, as honor guest of HH Mahámandaleshvara Shrí Svámin Avadeshánanda Giri Jí Mahá Rája, during which the          International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, was broadly promoted.  
  • Meeting with Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Svarupánanda Sarasvatí Jí Mahá Rája of Dváraka Sharada and Badri Jyotish Peetham about the new proposal / inspiration of our Mahá Rája and President, to gather, in the future, the 3 current Shankaracharyas, and their 4 successors, in Káladi, the birthplace of the Ádi Shankaracharya.
  • Yátrá / visit to Varanasi (Banares, Kachi), Land of Lord Shiva (considered to be the most ancient city in the World).
  • Visit to Kerala, Káladi, place of Birth of the Ádi Shankarachárya, and respective Pújá.
  • March, rshikesh, participation at the International Yoga Festival,  2013, organized by the Government of Uttarakhand and as honor guest of this same Government, to minister conferences to promote theInternational Day of Yoga, June, 21st, e and to minister Yoga Classes (the Mahá Sádhaná) .
  • rshikesh, March, visit to the Áshrama of HH Param Pujya Shrí Svámin Dáyananda Sarasvatí, to make a Pújá / Homage and to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21.
  • Visit to Sweden, March, Stockholm, and Malmö, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.April - visit to Punjab / Chandigarh, and visit to Himachal Pradesh / Shimla, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, for Conferences about the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • Visit to Russia / Moscow, April, for an Alliance with the powerful Russian Federation of Classic Yoga, concerning the support of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, but most of all concerning the commemoration of this day of Yoga in Russia, Moscow, and in other cities. During this visit were also established the bases of the future collaboration in the Training of Yoga Teachers; and also to make the I European Yoga Congress.
  • VII EIBERYO, April, Spain, Madrid, Guadalahara, Brihuega, was an extraordinary Event, for the first time organized by a Yoga School of Spain, ISKCON / Hare Krishna, HH Svámin Yadunandana Mahá Rája, Institution that joined the Iberian Yoga Confederation, and which also counted with the participation of FEYS – Spanish Federation of Yoga Sat Sanga, and its President, Master Surabhi, Institution that also joined the Iberian Yoga Confederation. The International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and its Principles were broadly promoted and the Schools made a commitment, to starting from that very same year, to celebrate, in their own Country, in Spain and in the Cities they have as Headquarters.
  • On this VII EIBERYO were created the conditions and the bases to constitute the future European Yoga Confederation, and the future European Yoga Congresses, being decided that the future European Yoga Iberian Meetings would take place therein every 2 years, on the odd years, and that the European Congresses every 2 years, on the even years.
  • Participation on the FEYS Congress - Spanish Federation, Sat Sanga, Santander, May, as guests – promotion of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • May, France, Provence, Arle, meeting with Master Tara Michael, World specialist in Yoga and Sámkhya, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • May, France, Camargue, Saint Maries-de-la-Mer, Pújá / homage.
  • June, Spain, Madrid, 40th Anniversary of Shivánanda Áshrama – European Vishnu Devánanda Organization, participation and promotion of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.


Twelfth commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2013, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Lisboa, at the Athletics Tracks Prof. Moniz Pereira, with the support of Lisbon Municipality. This 12th Commemoration was extraordinary, the largest celebration until the moment.


The main Official Entities  present in the Opening Ceremony  were His Excellency the Ambassador of India to  Portugal – Mr. B. B. Tyagi, Hon. Mr. Justice H L Gokhale – Judge of the Supreme Court of India, and representative of the Government of India,  Dr. Manuel Brito – Sports, Education and Civilian Protection Alderman from Lisbon’s Municipality, Dr. Maria Barroso – President of the Pro Dignitate Foundation, Dr. José Lima Coordinator of the National Plan for Ethics in Sports (PNED), Dr. António Rola – representative of the Sports Direction of the  INATEL Foundation.

To highlight the performance of Yoga for Children, the Pashupati – Advanced Yoga Demonstrators; the Omkára – Choir Orchestra of Mantra; Shiva Rája – Traditional Indian Dance Bharatanathyam; and Máya – Amateur Theater Group, with the play “I don’t believe in Mommy”. It was of exceptional beauty the performance of Rão Kyao with a representative of Pashupati.

We highpoint the presentations of the Yoga Schools, marking the ISKCON / Hare Krishna.

The performance of the Sufis was also very nice.  

Also to highlight the touching and beautiful performance of the Children’s Choir of Santo Amaro of Oeiras. We also highlight the performance of the performance of the Yoga Teacher Ganna, of Bharatanathyam, with training in India, and coming from Ukraine.

On this year was Honored Prof. Moniz Pereira, a Great Master of Athletics (who named the Stadium of the Commemoration), as well as Engineer Edgar Cardoso (posthumously), the most famous Portuguese Engineer of all times, who always had a huge World projection.

The International Yoga Gr. Master, Amrit Desai, a Great Master from India, with an extended work of decades in the USA, was honored.  

Was also honored Master Rupa / Clotilde Ferreira, the 1st Portuguese disciple of Guru Jí Amrit Desai, who is the veteran teacher of the Ginasium Clube Português, a homage made by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, to which was also joined her Master Amrit Desai, and to which were also associated the 1st Generation Veteran Yoga Teachers of Portugal, Prof. António Pedro, Prof. Maria Emília.

The Internacional Yoga Gr. Master, Tara Michael, worldwide renowned author of books about Yoga and Sámkhya, of French Nationality, was also honored.  


This fabulous International Day of Yoga counted with the presences of the following Masters and Schools of Yoga: H.H. Shrí Svámin Paramátmánanda Mahá Rája; Shrí Subodh Tiwari, Administrator of the Keivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla; H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája – President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and the Iberian Yoga Confederation; H.H. Gurudev Amrit Desai – Director of the Amrit Yoga Institute, who was honored; Sadasivanathaswami of the Kauai's Hindu Monastery - Hawai; Svámin Nirliptánanda, Director and Spiritual Leader of the London Sevashram Sangha – UK; Former Ambassador of India, Chandra Bhandari; Dr. Shirley Telles, representative of Baba Ram Dev, of the Patãnjali Yogpeeth, Haridvar; Sister Jaymini, Brahma Kumaris, London; Brahma Kumaris Mara Gomes, Portugal; Maháprabhu Das, Director of Comunications of ISKCON of Belgium and Europe and general Secretary of the Forum Hindu of Belgium and Europe – Belgium, Nalanie Chellaram, representative of the Integral Yoga International. Member of the Board of Directors of the Satchidananda Ashram - Yogaville; Spain, Jose Manuel Abeleira – representative of Master Iyengar, Spain; Balvinder Chandiok Ji – Art of Living – representative of H.H. Shri Shri Ravi Shankar; Michael Kissener – representative of Svámin Veda Bharati - Yoga Research Institute, India; Master Surabhi, President of FEYS, Yoga Federation Satsanga – Spain, Master Madhavacharya (Manuel Paz), President of the Yoga Association Sanatana Dharma and Vice-Presidente of the Iberian Yoga Confederation, Spain; Dr. Dilip Sarkar, President of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, USA; Rajan Narayánan – Secretaary of the Council for Yoga Accreditation, International; Yogacharya Yudhisthira Maharaj, Master Isidro Fernández – Director of the Argentine School of Yoga and Ayurveda – Argentina, Thierry Van Brabant – Director of the Centre Santosha Thierry Van Brabant – Belgium, Maria Maleviti – representative of the Institute  Eva Ruchpaul – Greece, Manoj Thakur – SVYASA Singapore – Singapore, Master Chandra Devi President of the Lusa Yoga Association,  Prof. Mónica Neves – representing the Island of Madeira, Dr. Adarsh Deepak – Chairman of Taksha University (NASA scientist), Pundit Radheshyam Mishra – Director of the Ujjain Yogalife Society – India, Svámin Shankara Sarasvatí - Guru and Spiritual Dean of the Unishankara Yoga Ashram – Brasil, Prof. Ingunn Hagen – Noruega, Prof. Krshna Jobanputra – UK, London; Prof. B M Hedge – India, Prof. Leszek Kulmatycki – Poland, Dr. Alex Hankey – Avanced Physcis Professor at the VYASA University- England, Hari Singh Khalsa – President of the Italian Sikh Union – Italy, Dr. Arpan Bhatt – Professor of tablá – India, Marina Issakova who brought representation of the Russian Federation of Classic Yoga, being also represented the two Regional Yoga Federations of Portugal: FRYNORT (Regional Yoga Federation of the North), FRYSUL, and the  5 Regional Associations of Yoga in Portugal: ARYON, ARYOC, ARILYS, ARYOS and ARYAL (Regional association of the Algarve), among others.


The moment of the Religions of stage is always a remarkable point of this Commemoration, where the representatives of the main Religions of the World blessed this Day, Portugal, and spoke about the importance of World Peace:


A message was read by of His Reverend Excellency  the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa – D. Nuno Brás da Silva Martins; the other presents were (from right to left) – for the Rádha Krshna Temple Portugal Shastriji Nitesh kumar Trivedic; for Hinduism – India, H.H Param Pujjya Shrí Svámin Paramatmánanda Jí Mahá Rája; (the host, the President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation - H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája); for the Israelite Community of Lisbon - Rabi Eliezer di Martino; for the Greek Orthodox Constantinople Church - father Alexandre Bonito; for the Sikh Italian Union  - Hari Singh Kalsa; for the Evangelic Presbyterian Church - Pastor Sitanela; for the Direction of the Portuguese Buddhist Union, Dr. António Faria; for the Temple of Shiva of Portugal – Mr. Kantilar Vallabhdas; for the Sufi Order Naqshbandi - Mr. Abdal Latîf, follower of the Gr. Master Mawlana Shaykh Nazim; for the Bahái Faith Community – Mr. João Castela Jacques; for the Meditation for Reconciliation – Madam Maria José Passanha.


On the day before, Saturday, the Day of Darshana / Philosophy and Science, was held on the Forum Lisboa, were the Pashupati made an exuberant presentation of extreme beauty subordinated to the Indian Classic “The Churning of the Ocean of Milk”. The lectures of the participating Masters were magnificent.


  • June, 28th, the Portuguese Parliament, by unanimity of the political parties that compose it, approves the  Motion of support to the Officialization of the International Yoga Day, in June, 21st, Solstice, as well as the International work  of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation on this matter, which constitutes the  first World support of an Official Institution  to the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st(this motion was an initiative of the PSD and PS parties, together)
  • July, visit to Poland, Warsaw, to promote the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st. Visit of homage to Auchwitzs and Czetochowa
  • Alemanha, Hannover, Bad Meinberg, Yoga Vidya, Master Sukadev Bretz, to definitely prepare  the future I European Yoga Congress.
  • Visit to Cyprus, October, to the Main Sufi Master, Maulana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani.
  • October, visit to Turkey, Istanbul, to the World Headquarters of the Orthodox Church (Greek); and main Mosques of Istanbul (Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia).
  • Visit to the UNESCO, September, to the Ambassador of Portugal to France, Paris, and in the UNESCO, José Filipe Moraes Cabral, to promote the officialization of the International Day of Yoga, on that Cultural Organism, of the United Nations.
  • December, visit to Rajastan / Jaipur, to the respective Jantar Mantar;
  • New Dillí, December, Meeting with the Minister Karan Singh Mahá Rája (of Kashmira), assessor of the, at the time, Prime Minister, and responsible of the Indian Government to UNESCO, about the officialization of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.    
  • Visit to Haryana / Rakhigarhi, Civilization of the Indo Sarasvatí Vale, with Pújá / homage to the Wise Ancestors.
  • The International Yoga Magazine Hinduism Today from Hawai, reports the World importance of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and the leadership of Portugal on this matter.





January, we highlight that the Ambassador of India to Portugal Dr. Jitendra Nath Misra took charge, an Ambassador of extraordinary dynamics and lucidity, who became a great supporter of the Alliance between India and Portugal and came to prove to be an enthusiastic ally of the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st, and of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, and his work on behalf of the promotion of the Traditional Yoga from India


  • January, India, Bengaluru, Honoris Causa DLitt Degree in Yoga, awarded to HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája by the University of Bengaluru, S-VYASA, led by Dr. Nagendra Jí; we highlight that the biggest living Yoga Master, Shrí BKS Iyengar Jí, received the same distinction, on the same day, at the same Ceremony (having been the two only Yoga Gr. Gurus to be graced).
  • Madhyá Pradesh, January, Ujjein (Land of the first Meridian zero of the Planet, IV century A.C.), attribution to HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája the Matsyendra Nathá Award, by The Yoga Life Society.
  • Tamil Nadu, January, visit to Chennai, and Kalakshetra - Rukmini Deví School of Fine Arts, the most prestigious school of Bharatanathyam, directed by Mrs. Priyadarsini Govindto establish a collaboration Protocol in Bháratnathyam.
  • Visit to the Vatican, February, 19th, to Pope Franciscus
  • May, visit to Belmonte, Portugal, with Pújá / homage to the suffering of our ancestors.
  • May, took charge the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, who revealed himself to be a fantastic, lucid, and great supporter of the ancient and valuable Philosophical  values of the Great India / Bhárata.


Thirteenth commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2014, June, 21st (celebrated on the following Sunday), in Cascais, at the Grupo Dramático e Sportivo of Cascais, with the support of the Municipality of Cascais, and in particular with the support and presence of the Mayor of Cascais Dr. Carlos Carreiras, counting as well with the support and presence of Mr. Ambassador of India to Portugal,  Dr. Jitendra Nath Misra, and with the presence of the representative of the State Secretary  of Sports and Youth (for the Portuguese Government), and Dr. Maria de Jesus Barroso, President of the Pro-Dignitate Foundation.

We should remark that it rained copiously during the entire day, which was unprecedented in the history of 13 years of these Commemorations (accordingly of the Easter Tradition, it constitutes as a great Blessing – which latter was revealed to be prophetic).


To highlight the performance of the Yoga for children; the Pashupati – Advanced Yoga Demonstrators; the Omkára – Choir –orchestra of mantra; and the  Shiva Rája – Traditional Indian Dance Bharatanathyam, as well as the practice guided by  Joana Cordeiro – Director of the Art of Living Foundation of Portugal; and the presentation of Kírtana by ISKCON / Hare Krishna.

In a lyrical moment, the Singer Verónica Milagres from Goa (and the Piano Player Cidália Gonçalves), moved the audience with a Pújá – Reverence to the Gr. Master Jorge Veiga e Castro.


The Award Gandhi-Sérgio Vieira de Mello – an award with which the Portuguese Yoga Confederation marks every year a universal personality for the work made on behalf of World Culture, the inter-ethnic dialogue, and Fraternity – this year the awardee was the film director

Manoel de Oliveira, for the world excellence of his remarkable work, for his lucid longevity, for his vitality and World Mastery, and for his enviable Work.

The Great Sufi master was honored - Moulana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani, of the Sufi Order Naqshbandi (posthumously). To highlight the presentation made by Shaykh Bahauddin Adil, with Shaykh Hassan, and Ayberk Effendi - Sufi Music Light.


We highlight that the World Yoga Schools and National Schools that were present at the  International Day of Yoga (from right to left): H.H. Param Pujyá Shrí Svámin Paramátmánanda Sarasvatí Mahá Rája, General-Secretary of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabhá – India; H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája, President of the Portuguese Confederation and the Iberian Yoga Confederation; Dr. Shrí Nagendra Jí, President of the Vivekánanda Yoga University - India; H.H. Gurudev Amrit Desai, Director of Amrit Yoga Institute – United States; Shrí R. S. Bhogal, Dean of the Govardhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis of the Keivalyadhama Yoga Institute – India; H.H. Svámin Yadunandana Mahá Rája, Deen of the  Bhaktivedanta College, Professor and Spiritual Advisor of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness of the GBC of ISKCON / Hare Krshna – Belgium; H.H. Sadguru Brahmeshánandacharya Swami jí Maháráj, Patrone of the Global Yoga Alliance and President of the Padmanabh Shishya Sampradaya de Goa - Índia; Svámin Amaránanda Jí, Director of the Vedanta Centre of Geneva - Swizerland; Dr. Gopal Jí, President of the Global Yoga Alliance - India; Professor Patxi Lizardi, representative of the Mahá Guru Shrí BKS Iyengar Jí - Spain; Beatrice Lulini, representative of H.H. Shrí Shrí Ravi Shankar, Art of Living Foundation; Madhavacharya – President of the Asociación de Yoga Sanatana Dharma, and Vice-Presidente of the Iberian Yoga Confederation – Spain; Master Naya, Member of the Direction and President of the  Eduational Council of FEYS - Federação Espanhola do Yoga Satsanga - Spain; Pundit Radheshyam Mishra, Director of the Ujjain Yogalife Society – India; Nikulin Oleg Viktorovitch, President of the Saratov Regional Department of Public organization of Russia – Russian Classic Yoga Federation; Mahamandalesvar Yoga Acharya Shrí Vidyaupasaka Svámin Shivánanda Sarasvatí, President of the  Súrya Chandra Yoga Áshrama, Genral Secretary of the Global Yoga Alliance and General Secretary of the Italian Yoga Federation – Italy; Master Graciela Belcastro, Vice-President and Vice Director of the Argentine School of Yoga and Ayurveda – Argentina; Master Antonietta Rozzi, President of the Sarva Yoga International - Italy; Eros Selvanizza, President of the Italian Federation of Yoga  - Italy; Professor Thierry Van Brabant, Director of the Centre Santosha – Belgium; Dr. José Ruguê Ribeiro Jr., Director of the Yoga School Brahma Vidyalaya - Brasil and President of the Ayurveda World Movement; Dr. Med. Ulrich G. Randoll, Medical Doctor and Researcher of the University of Erlangen - Germany; Pascal Papillon, Representative of  the Yoga Teachers from France; Yashoda Dulai Prabhu, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON / Hare Krshna - França; BK Lurdes Pinheiro, Brahma Kumaris Portugal; Master Rupa, Amrit Yoga Portugal (Ginásium Clube Português); Master Maria Helena Freitas Branco, 1st  (female) Yoga Teacher in Portugal; Master Sandra Xavier (Sváminí Chandra Deví), President of FLY – Lusa Yoga Federation; Dr. Alice Paulo (Lakshmi), representative of the Regional Federations of Yoga in Portugal, in this case of FRYSUL; Architect Vanda Coelho (Máyá Deví), representative of the five Regional Associations of Yoga of portugal, in this case  ARYLIS - Regional Yoga Associtation of Great Lisbon and Supra Continental. Was also present the Former Ambassador of India Chandra Bhandari, and Yoga Professor for Poland).


As traditional in these ceremonies, the representatives of the main Religions bless this International Day of Yoga, and the homeland Portugal, highlighting the importance of World Peace (from right to left); Catholic Church – representative of the Lisbon Patriarchate, Filipe Avillez (Rádio Renascença); Hinduism – Spiritual Adviser of the current Prime Minister of India, H. H. Param Pujyá Shrí Svámin Paramátmánanda Jí Mahá Rája. The Host, the President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, International Yoga Gr. Master Jorge Veiga e Castro (HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája). The General-Secretary of the World Council of Religious Leaders, UN, New York, Mr. Bawa Jain. The President of the Parliament of the World Religions - Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid - Chicago. Sufism: Sufi Order Naqshbandi - Shaykh Hassan; IIslamism - Imam of the Central Mosque of Lisbon, Sheik David Munir; Judaism - Rabi Eliezer Shai Di Martino of the Israelite Community  of Lisboa, and its President Dr. José Carp; Hinduism of Portugal – Vowel of Culture of the Hindu Community of Portugal, Sarojben Parshopam; President of the Shiva Temple, Kantilal Vallabhdas, and Shastriji Apurva Jani; Buddhism – Portuguese Buddhist  Union, Rietske Van Raay; President of the  Association Ecos Oriente, Dr. António Faria; Bahá’í Faith Community- Palmira Bastos Ferreira. And the President of the Department of Religions of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, Dr. Vítor Moreira (Govinda). Were also present: the Representative of the Ismaili Muslim Community - Dr. Nazir Madatali; and the National Coordinator of the World Community for Christian Meditation, Dra. Gilda Monteiro.


On the day before, Saturday, the Day of Darshana / Philosophy and Science was held on the Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, during which the Pashupati made a magnificent and fairy like presentation of 30 min, entitled “The Rise of a Star”. The Máya – Amateur Theater Group of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation made also a play with great refinement, with the Shadow Theater “The Knight of the Rusty Armor”.



  • July, Mahárastra, Mumbai, at the 60th anniversary / Ánand Mahotsav of HH Param Pujya Mahámandaleshvara Shrí Svámin Vishveshvaránanda Giri Jí Maha Rája, President of the Sanyas Áshrama, during which HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája reveived a Homage Award for his dedication to the Cause of the true Yoga from Bhárata and its expansion throughout the World, namely to the dedication to make effective the International Day of Yoga, June, 21st.
  • July, solemn visit to the Sta. Cruz Institute of Mumbai, (the oldest in the World), to promote the International Day of Yoga, and to gathered the support of its PresidentSmt. Hamsa Yogendra, for that International Day.

September, Shrí Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, during his first visit to the General Assembly of the United Nations,  announced that he would propose a Resolution so that the International Yoga Day, June, 21st, was made official by the United Nations.


  • October, visit to the Shivanánda Áshrama, rshikesh, to HH Shri Svamin Svamin Vimlánanda Jí Mahá Rája, with a Pújá to Shivánanda Sarasvatí.
  • Meeting on the AYUSH - Morarjí Desai National Institute of Yoga, with Dr. Ishwar Basavaraddi, October.
  • November, First European Congress of Yoga,  Germany, Hannover, Badmein Berg, Yoga Vidya, presided by Master Mestre Sukadev Bretz. Congress organized by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and by Yoga Vidya, who was the host.
  • November, Founding of European Yoga Confederation / EU-YOC, having the Presidency to HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája.


* Dezembro, 11th, USA, New York, United Nations, oficialization of the international Day of Yoga, June, 21st, by the General Assembly of the United nations, by proposal of the Prime Minister, Shrí Narendra Modi, delivered by Mr. Ambassador of India, Shrí Ashok Kumar Mukherjí, the General Assmbly was presided by the Ambassador of Portugal, Ambassador Álvaro Mendonça e Moura, to mark that General Assembly (by invitation of the Government of indi and portugal), during the instant of Resolution, was present the President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája (International Gr. Master of Yoga Jorge Veiga e Castro), the World proponent in 2001 of this Concept (the Vice President of Portuguese Yoga Confederation, Svaminí Chandra Shakti Deví - Master Sandra Xavier was also present).

This Resolution (A/69/L17, item 124) had 177 Countries as co-sponsors (out of 193 possible Countries), and was approved by Consensus (and finalized in less than 90 days), constituting, all of this a unique case in almost 70 years of history of the United Nations.




March, 21st (Spring Equinox), HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája reports to the Prime Minister of India, Shrí Narendra Modi (and also to the Prime Minister of Portugal), and requests the beginning of what he called the 2nd Step of this Process, to make Yoga an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in UNESCO.


  • March, hearing in New Dillí with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Smt. Sushma Swaraj.
  • March, hearing in New Dillí, with the Minister of Yoga Shrí Sripad Yesso Naik
  • April, New Dillí, bestows the Padma Shrí Award to HH Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája by the President of India, Shrí Pranab Mukherjí, at the Presidential Palace, in the presenceof the Prime Minister of India, Shrí Narendra Modi. The greatest honor of the Indian Government, rarely warded to a foreigner, and for the first time bestow to a Portuguese.
  • 13th of May, France, Paris, UNESCO, hearing with Madam Ambassador of India to UNESCO, Mrs. Ruchira Kamboj, about the Candidacy of the Yoga Darshana (Philosophical System), to become Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the UNESCO. Received with certainty the information that this Process had just officially started-off. 


Fourteenth commemoration in Portugal of the International Day of Yoga - IDY, 2015, June, 21st, Sunday, in Lisbon, the First Official Commemoration; Athletics Track Prof. Moniz Pereira; a joint organization of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and the Embassy of India and co-organization of the Municipality of Lisbon, and the support of the Portuguese Government (State Secretary of Sports and Youth).